Carl is quiet, calm, and very patient. He does his best to condense his knowledge and observations in to short nuggets of conversation for Harry to understand. He has yet to really succeed in this area.
Carl loves to read about the world and all the adventures out there. However, there is a stark contrast in the number of hours he’s dreamed about travelling, compared to the number of hours he’s managed to leave the comfort of his pub seat.
He is very fond of Harry, whose thoughts he finds fascinating in the same way a scientist enjoys looking for structure in chaos theory. He particularly admires Harry’s confidence, even in the face of adverse facts and reality.
Harry speaks first and thinks later. Sometimes it’s so much later that he’s forgotten what he was talking about, and thinks about biscuits instead. He has an opinion about everything, even things he’s never heard of. He’ll defend his point of view with impressive dogmatism, right up to the point that he either changes his mind or once again drifts in to biscuit territory.
It has been suggested that Harry is actually quite shy, very insecure, and would benefit greatly from listening for once. But as he puts it, “if I wanted to hear about deeply personal, private matters, I’d join a Reality TV Show or start an hair dressers”.
He greatly admires Carl, whose encyclopaedic knowledge is a continuous source of inspiration and confusion.